Wpływ rolowania na reaktywność mięśnia czworogłowego uda
Piśmiennictwo: Junker D.H. et al.: The foam roll as a tool to improve hamstring flexibility. „Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research”, 2015, 29, 12, 3480-5. Halperin I. et al.: Roller massager improves range of motion of plantar flexor muscles without subsequent decreases in force parameters. „Int. J Sports Phys Ther”, 2014, 9, 92-102. Lemiesz G., Iwańczyk K., Lemiesz A.: Rolka i jej szerokie możliwości zastosowań w sporcie i rehabilitacji. „Fizjoterapia & Rehabilitacja”, 2017, 59, 26-35. Cheatham S.W., Kolber M.J., Cain M. et al.: The effects of self-myofascial release using a foam roll or roller massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: a systematic review. „The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy”, 2015, 10, 6, 827-36. Mooney K., Stokes M., Warner M.: Reliability and symmetry of Myoton-Pro measurements of viscoelastic properties of biceps brachii in young adult males. Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance 2012, London, 19-26. Junker D., Stoggl T.L.: The foam roll as a tool to improve hamstring flexibility. „Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research”, 2015, 29, 12, 3480-5. D’Amico A., Paolone V.: The effect of foam rolling on recovery between two eight hundred metre runs. „Journal of Human Kinetics”, 2017, 57,...Dostęp ograniczony.
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